The Hills are ALIVE!

Winter is Heading this way with a vengeance!  As the remaining days of the “nice weather” are fading, my Army buddy & I are trying to take it OUTSIDE, while we still can. While I love weights, there’s something GREAT about an outdoor workout. The air, the sky, the people giving you strange looks because you’re TRYING to work hard… and I love a great Hill-full workout, especially if you can mix up the sprints with some additional moves/drills.

We went our usual spot, but decided to do a few new things, since the rain limited our use of the grassy steeps. (*yes, STEEPS, not STEPS).

Frist Rotation: Sprint up the Paved path, shuffle down stairs, touch landing & Sprint up the stairs, jog down the path (*we avoid sprints down hill, because it’s EXTREMELY high impant on the knees/tendons across the joint). < Thats the “movement” interval. The exercises mixed in were 50 Med Ball crunches // 25 stretch cord butterfly lat pulls + 25 stretch cord tricep overhead pulls. — 4 x for the movement, alternation of each exercise (2 & 2)

Oblique pulls, med ball crunch, Tricep overhead pull, medball chest throw, buttefly lat pull

Second Rotation: Movement interval was Sprint 60yd across the field, 2 foot hops up the stairs (about 50steps), shuffle down the path. The exercises were 50 (14lb) medball chest throws + 25/25 oblique stretch cord pulls — 4 x for the movement, alternation of each exercise (2 & 2)

Third Rotation: Movement interval was Broad Jump Burpees up the path, shuffle down the path. (*its about 30 burpees up). The exercises were 25 8lb medball pushUps + 25 stretch cord front delt raises. — 4 x for the movement, alternation of each exercise (2 & 2)

We worked HARD, but it’s always a good time when you’re getting crazy looks and then mad props. Plus it’s nice to do it in the open air with doggy-friends around you! (*Just pre-scan your running area for poop!)

xo – Mia

ABStober Day 18

Thirsty Thursday!!!

It’s Sauna day! I don’t like to move around too much in there – 1) it’s 4ft x3ft x6ft, really isn’t room to! and 2) At 140F, it’s WAY too sweaty/hot to!

Here’s what you can do with “barely any room”

Day 18

  • 30sec bear pose plank (*push-up on knees, but hold the knees off the ground)
  • 30sec heels to ceiling with toe taps
  • 30sec 1-leg hip bridge with L knee crunch
  • 30sec 1-leg hip bridge with R knee crunch
  • 30sec knees at 90deg side to side ankle touch
  • 30sec kneeling L side plank with hip dip
  • 30sec kneeling R side plank with hip dip
  • 30sec heel-rest V-sit

Repeat 2x

xo – Mia

ABStober Day 17

Workout Weds!!!! #WINSday !!!

It’s “simple” Day 17

60sec ON / 30sec rest}
+ 30sec additional rest

Round 1 = crunch, scissors, bicycle, jackknife, mountain climbers

Round 2 = plank, r side plank, plank, l side plank, invert plank

Round 3 = reverse crunch, right cross body snaps, leg raises, left cross body snaps, plank jacks


ABStober Day 15

Ok back on track and feeling GOOD!!

Happy Monday everyone! What a whirlwind wedding-filled weekend I had! (*not me, my cousin got married but we had a BALL!)

its 10/15 – well it’s actually 10:45 – see what I did there? no… moving along!

Here’s DAY 15

It’s 15 reps of EACH:

  • Crunch
  • Knees at 90○
  • Reverse Crunch – bring knees to elbows by raising hips
  • Bicycle crunch – alternate legs; right+left = 1 rep
  • 2 Leg kickouts – both legs same time
  • Vertical scissors – alternate legs; right+left = 1 rep
  • 2 leg raises – both legs same time
  • Heels to ceiling hip raise
  • Heels up toe touch
  • Wipers (*can bend legs, if not strong/flexible enough to keep them straight) – right+left = 1 rep
  • Right side oblique crunch
  • Right side oblique leg raise (*or knee raise)
  • Left side oblique crunch
  • Left side oblique leg raise (*or knee raise)

> Repeat 1-3x

ABStober – oops!

Realised this am, that my pre-scheduled posts for Friday through Sunday hadn’t been posting and just figured out this am why – everything was set to “pending review” and I hadn’t been reviewing nor “publishing” so everything was being set as DRAFT.

I fixed the issue and I’m posting all THREE workouts (Fri,Sat,Sun) in this post.


DAY 12

  • 30 sec plank
  • 30 sec plank wide reaches
  • 30 sec L-side plank
  • 30 sec L-side plank reach-unders
  • 30 sec invert plank
  • 30 sec plank
  • 30 sec plank wide reaches
  • 30 sec R-side plank
  • 30 sec R-side plank reach-unders
  • 30 sec invert plank

> Repeat 2-3x


DAY 13

  • 1 min plank
  • 30 sec plank-position knee drops (*touch knees to floor then back up to full plank)
  • 30 sec hyper-extensions (lay face down on floor and raise chest)
  • 1 min plank worms (*in plank, walk hands in until body in pike position, walk back out – can travel, if easier)
  • 30 sec plank kick backs (*in plank, lift feet off the ground – alternating)
  • 30 sec reverse hyper-extensions (lay face down on floor and raise legs)
  • 1 min sliding curl ups (*feet on floor, hands by hips, slide hands to heels)
  • 30 sec heel kick outs
  • 30 sec heels to ceiling hip raises
  • 1 min inverted plank (*face/chest up as you make hip bridge, legs straight out)

> repeat 1-2x


Day 14

30 seconds each:

  • Standing – High knee jog with Torso twist
  • mountain climbers (plank position)
  • Bicycle crunches
  • Standing – Straight leg alternating kicks
  • plank kick backs
  • Prone position Flutter kicks
  • Standing – High outside knee Jog with torso bends
  • wide leg mountain climbers (plank position)
  • half curl up heel reaches (*holding shoulder blades off the floor, feet on ground, reach for heels – alternating sides)

> repeat 2-3x

Sorry again!! Look out for Day 15 in NEXT POST!

xo – Mia

Something New :: H2Oaudio

Hey All,

I recently had the opportunity to test out the H2O Audio Surge 2G Waterproof Headphones + Amphimbix Fit Waterproof Armband.

I was contemplating the device for use in triathlon training. As a swimmer I am 100,000,000% GREAT with silence while milling out mileage in the pool… Running, and Cycling, though I enjoy them…. not so easy. Yes, it’s SAFER on the road to be without BUT it’s still EASIER (mentally) to stay moving with a little “pace-setting”. (*Indoors, it’s a NECESSITY, bike and run).

Guys…. GUYS!!! Can I just say, I was TERRIFIED (at first). As in, LEGITIMATELY nervous that I would be the 1/100 that was handed the dud product, and would have my iPhone flooded with pool water. I eventually manned up, and after doing the seal/lock security test (*submerging the product, without device, for 30mins to check for leaks) I was confident I was ok to try it for real.

EN – I filled it with cotton balls just to be DOUBLY sure, there were absolutely no leaks!

I must say the headphones’ sound quality was EXCELLENT! That and the fact that with the proper sized silicon buds, they fit perfectly into my ears and, with my cap on, stayed neatly the entire 35minute swim! Not only that, I could still use my screen to change songs/volume, while in the water.  Mind you, I could only see the screen while stopped at the wall, as I had to shift the armband in order to face it forwards, to unlock the phone screen.

The face-me camera function was also clearly functional, however, the screen sensitivity doesn’t allow for underwater pictures (*at least not with jets/water movement present) but if you’re using the device as an AUDIO MEDIA PLAYER as the name suggests, during an actual workout / cardio session, then it really shouldn’t be an issue where functionality is concerned, since you shouldn’t have time to snap pics DURING, anyway…

EN – FYI: people don’t like you to have/use your phone camera near pools, changerooms, hottubs; No matter how you (try to) explain it’s for your blog; you’re not taking pictures of them; unable to take an outward facing picture; it’s really for an audio media device but you don’t own an iPod so are forced to use your phone and they can see the picture if they want and nobody wants a picture of them naked or in any state of undress ANYWAY because they’re old, wrinkly, flabby and grizzly-bear furry… but I digress…

Anywho, the point is IT WORKS, and my phone is STILL DRY and 100% operational, although currently at 25% battery-life… sorry, digression again… and it’s wonderful for swim-to-land transition.  To have a device, like the H2O Audio products, which allow me to take my music with me through all THREE modules, is superb!

TWO caveats >
FIRST: if you’re a stroke technician (*like, myself) the armband will frustrate you (somewhat) as it shifts, and causes drag in the water. Flip turns, it’s AWK! The armband lifts, so I got paranoid that I was getting water into it,  butterfly… same thing. *sigh* Paranoia is no bueno. It is, however, IDEALLY suited for openwater swimming freestyle (“front crawl”) or if using some version of an Endless Pool (*not to be confused with “infinity pool“) as you would be, if training for distance/triathlon, or doing longer cardio.

SECOND: for land use, it’s heavier than your typical arm band because of the air/water lock mechanism (*needed, but weighty)

Overall, if you’re interested in swimming as cardio, or you need to swim for training, but find it hard to do it for longer than it takes your mind to wander I would DEFINTELY recommend it!

xo – Mia

ABStober Day 11

Hey All,

Happy Thursday!
My tummy hurts… and not in the “man this ABStober has been kickin’ my  butt  core…” but it the “WTF did I eat?”/”What wasn’t prep’ed properly?” … the reason I mention it, is because while I was writing this, I couldn’t get comfortable on the floor to put the line up together.

That being said, here’s a Stand-Up Abs workout for DAY 11

  • 30 sec high knee march in place
  • 30 sec elbow to knee march – alternate elbows/sides
  • 30 sec kicking march in place
  • 30 sec hold forward bend with arms-out twist
  • 30 sec standing outside knee raises – alternates
  • 30 sec standing left knee outside raise & draw elbow down
  • 30 sec standing right knee outside raise & draw elbow down
  • 30 sec alternating side sliding knee reaches (*reach hands to knees, alternating sides – think penguin dance – focus on not leaning back)
  • 30 sec hand to toe/shin kicking march – alternate hands/sides – stretch hands high over head, kick as high as you can / reach as far down your leg as you can.
  • 30 sec wide stance forward bends – bend & stand up, legs wide as you’re comfortable with

> Repeat 2-3x

Added Challenge: Do as many reps as possible in the 30sec intervals if your cardio game is strong!

xo – Mia

Workout Wednesday :: Alis Volat Propriis


It’s My Mantra (my tattoo) & the inspiration behind this Scorching Arm workout!

Ladies: You planning to rock that Strapless number to the club anytime soon?

Fellas: Want to bring CANNONS to the Gun Show?

3 Quick Tips to remember

1. There is NO such thing as SPOT toning or SPOT weight-loss. To tone a muscle you need to lose fat! This is the biggie to keep in mind. Arm toning is not possible without losing fat. And, sadly, it is not possible to lose fat off of ONLY your arms. This means that if you want to tone your ARMS you need to start with CLEAN FOOD INTAKE & CARDIO, in order to lose fat from the WHOLE BODY.

2. You WILL need to lift Weights! < LADIES, YOU TOO! Gasp! Sputter! “Oh no, I thought this was only TONING, I dont want to BULK UP” For this mindstate you deserve a *BIG STINGING SLAP* 2 things you MUST commit to memeory
a. MUSCLE BURNS FAT BETTER THAN FAT! < Floopy ropey un-muscles are no contest to actual muscle in keeping the body metabolizing its own fat as a fuel source! b. Girls do NOT have enough testosterone to READILY stack muscle fibers and add mass. (*without a LOT of “help”) TRUST ME! It’s VERY hard to add even 1″ of mass on your arms (it took me 9 GRUELLING months!)

3. To EFFECTIVELY Recruit new muscle fiber cells, you must CHALLENGE your muscles.  i.e you need to go HAM (Heavy As aMutha) well… as HAM as you can! LOL! Also, By recruiting new muscle fibers, you avoid Bat-wing & arm cellulite (*eeeewwwww)

ALLATHAT being said…what does it mean? SIMPLY > YOU NEED WEIGHTS!!

This workout is all Free-Weight based.

Ladies you CAN & should pick a challenging weight (*your purse is 10 pounds, don’t tell me you can only curl 4-5 pounds) you’re aiming for 15-20 reps.
Gents choose a weight where you can get 10-15 SOLID reps (*Form is KING) shoot for 10-15 reps.

EN – with men having T+ hormone, they don’t need to hit as many reps to feel the deep burn in the muscle bellies, and they will in most cases, lift heavier. Therefore, to keep proper form, stick to the lower rep range. (*My IRON MAIDENS, don’t hate me! I know WE stay out-Beastin’ most of these dudes out there, but I’m talking Gen-Pop, genetic stats – No disrespect, to anyone!)

Here’s a Quick and Effective 30min INTENSE Arms Circuit to burn calories & make those muscles WORK! You CAN do the Circuit 3x!! YES.YOU.CAN !!
*It should take between 8-10mins per round depending on the rest you take (*30-60sec b/w each move)

1. Barbell Curl- Feet shoulder width apart – Hold barbell about shoulder width apart. – Keep elbows in a neutral, but fixed, position by your side – Using your biceps, lift the weight up to the top of your chest. – Lower it slowly & without moving your elbows

2. Close Grip Barbell Bench Press(Laying on a bench) – Use a manageable, but challenging, weight. – Grasp barbell a bit narrower than shoulder width, unrack the bar and with a tight core, bring it down to your mid-torso (around the diaphragm region). – Push the weight up using your triceps and lower it to the same position. – Just before it reaches your chest fire it up in the pushing direction again before it gets a chance to rest on your body. (This prevents your chest from taking over with the weight lifting.)

3. Facing Palms Chin-Up (*yes, you can put ONE foot on a chair) – Grasp the Pull-up bar at shoulder width. – Allow the arms to be at full extension – Pull the body upward, contracting the Biceps, as well as the latissimus dorsi (*those wings behind your armpits)

4. Dumbell Reverse Grip Bicep curl to Shoulder Press – Holding two dumb bells resting on your thighs, standing feet shoulder width apart. – Start with palms facing your thighs. – Using the Biceps, curl the weight upward to the chest, palms are facing out. – Push the dumb bells from the chest over your head, Pressing with the shoulders, until arms are extended – Lower slowly until the elbows are back to 90degrees, and then back down to thighs.

5. Wide Position Push-Ups (*yes, if you MUST, you can do them on your knees) – Start with your body in Plank position, move your hands outside of shoulder width, in-line with your armpits. – Hold the core, and lower the body down slowly & controlled, making sure to keep the shoulders/hips/heels in a strong, straight line. – When your elbows reach 90degrees Push upward through the palms to return to plank position (*you can lower your chest to the floor, if you’re able to)

6. Tricep Supination Kick backs – Take a manageable dumb bell in one hand. Place the other hand and knee on a low flat bench. – Keeping your back straight lift your elbow so that your upper arm is in line with your torso, and your thumb is facing forward. – Slowly contract the triceps, extending the arm & lift the dumb bell until the arm is almost straight. – As you extend rotate the thumb so its facing your hip, or upward (*will depend on the weight & your flexibility) – Rotate back while lowering, controlled

7. 2-angle Flyes (Upright & Bent Over) – Holding 2 dumb bells at your sides, palms in; feet shoulder width apart. – Keeping the core tight, lift the arms outward & upward until the back of the palms reach the height of your shoulder caps (*deltoids) – Lower slowly. As the dumb bells reach your sides, bend the knees slightly. – Hingeing at the hips, keeping the back straight & the core tight, lift the arms out & upward again, until you reach level with your shoulder blades (*scapulae) – Lower slowly & Stand upright

8. Forward Supination V-Raises – Hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand with your feet shoulder width apart, arms at your sides. – Starting with the palms facing in. – With arms straight but not locked, raise the weights diagonally in front of you, so that your arms form a V shape – Lift until your arms are parallel to the floor, supinating (*rotating) the forearms, until the thumbs face in, palms face downward. – Rotate back until palms face in again, and lower slowly back to thighs.

Now on the count of THREE, everyone front-double-bi flex, ready? 1…2…3… FLEXIN’

xo – Mia

(ps – If you absolutely don’t have access to a gym or equipment, you can email me for some additional options –

ABStober Day 10

its 10-10 today!!

SO?!? Well OBVIOUSLY the ABStober workout is going to get a 10 outta 10!!
It’s a perfect 10! It’s got the Top 10, and “something else with a 10″… I have nothing else *hangs head in pun-shame*

Day 10

10 x {

  1. 10sec holding high plank >>
    then… while still holding
  2. 10 – plank jacks – hop feet apart, then together (*like a jumping jack)
  3. 10 – mountain climber high knees (per side)
  4. 10sec holding low plank >>
    then… wihle still holding:
  5. 10 – outside knee raises – knee to outside elbow – right side
  6. 10 – outside knee raises – knee to outside elbow – left side
  7. 10sec holding invert plank >>
    then… while still holding:
  8. 10 – knee raises – right side
  9. 10 – knee raises – left side
  10. 10sec V-sit leg raises

Get it? GOOD!!
Oh! And it’s only “once” through the 1- rounds – it’s roughly 2mins per round.
xo – Mia